Newsday Editorial Supports More Cameras

Newsday had an editorial today supporting more cameras in Suffolk and Nassau. As many of you know, both counties have been limited by the state to 50 intersections with cameras. Both would like to increase the number of cameras but they were shot down this year because it was too obvious that the cameras were for revenue instead of safety.

It’s hard to argue against them when the statistics show that intersections are made safer after red light cameras are added. Whether it’s about revenue or not if dangerous accidents are being prevented, that’s a good thing. There seems to be some debate about that though, I’ve read many articles saying they trade dangerous accidents for fender benders (people don’t blow the light and T-bone each other anymore, but instead they slam on the brakes to avoid getting a ticket and get rear-ended). I’ve also read many articles saying they have no impact on safety. I’ve also heard that safety was increased drastically (somewhere in Texas I believe?) simply by increasing the yellow light duration. Maybe it’s different everywhere depending on the type of people in the area, and that’s why the studies have different results.

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