Suffolk Red Light Revenue Split with Dallas Company

Some interesting info in a Newsday article from August 15th, Suffolk splits the revenue from it’s red light camera program 50/50 with a Dallas company that processes the tickets, and some residents are pissed about it. State and Local Solutions of Dallas apparently handles the ticket processing. Suffolk had the option of going with a flat rate (like Nassau) or splitting the revenue, and they chose to split. Nassau is paying a flat rate of about $9 million, and they made $20 million in revenue. Now Levy’s aides say Suffolk wants to renegotiate for a more favorable split, and possibly move some cameras (to improve safety and revenue). The moving cameras part probably means that some of the cameras aren’t bringing in as much revenue as expected so they want to try different (busier) intersections.

Also noteworthy is that Suffolk projected the cameras would generate $20 million in revenue, but they only generated $10 million.

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